Lazy Friday

How does your lazy Friday look like? Mine comprises of waking up late, usually around 10-ish (I know, don't judge), listening to a bit of Oasis, and get my hands busy with cooking. So today I got a little lazy that I made myself a medium beef steak pan seared and grilled (you know how does more than one cooking technique makes the food more delicious), some oregano on potato wrapped with foil and grilled in the charcoal, and a little salad to make it looks healthy.

So how does your Friday look like?


Sir Pök Déng said…
Waaaaaahhh.... luk delisyes lah, Kak Dah. I don't know how to use English herbs in my cooking.
Zubaidah Arshad said…
Pok Deng, frankly I find english herbs to be bland and tasteless. Except for bay leaves, but that is not strong enough for me. But if you use clovers, star anise, cinnamon, coriander and alike, it would taste so Asian. So thyme, oregano, basil, dill etc would certainly give a little edge to your cooking. As for the potato, usual potato jacket is served with cream and bacon. And the potato is not season at all. I wanted to twist it a bit, so I sprinkle some oregano alongside salt and pepper. It tastes good.

I just bought a set of skewer but I couldnt decide what to cook tomorrow. Perhaps grilled deboned chicken ala mexican?
t.a.t.a said…
How was my Friday looked like?

I worked yesterday. I thought Selangor was the only state that off of Wesak (silly me!) so I called my supplier on KL trying to do business just to lighten up my working-at-the-public-holiday mood, and guess what?

Of course they were off. The whole states were off. So I just continued my day with the big smile.
Unknown said… sleepy hollow Bachok, Friday is when you wake up at 5.30 in the morning to the soft meow of a cat intend on waking you is when you open a window and let in that chatter of squirrels along with the cool breeze wafting shafts of cold as it caresses your are aware of y our body...sensing where the aches are...and in the silence of the halflight, you give your thanks...
Friday is when the deceitful calm of the morning gives way to the cacophony and madness of Pasar Malam by the Beach of Melody... and pakmat counting steps along the sand..trying to keep in check a raising count...
just another friday, zuar...
Zubaidah Arshad said…
Pak Mat, your comment is stark and beautiful. Reading your comment alone makes me long for another vacation. I hope you are doing fine Pak Mat.

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