Custardiology 101

‎'Custard' is a name given by nina. It was not intentional. Constant fights and arguments were pretty tiresome so I wanted to call him 'bastard'. Nina said 'no'. It was too harsh a word. So she suggested 'Custard' which is cute, and OK and does not sound condescending. So there you go, a little brief intro into Custard's history.



bookseller said…
Keep writing, sis... :)
Zubaidah Arshad said…
I will. Who doesn't? There are tonnes of reports to write, and journals to edit! Haha. Kidding
bookseller said… either... :)

Your blog inspired me the most..i never fail to be here..almost a silent reader. Sambil-sambil belajar Bahasa Inggeris di sini..hehe.. :)

Assalammualaikum.. :)

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