Thank You

Text #1:
I haven't gotten much done on myself these few days. Lack of sleep almost deprived me into a moment of amnesia. The pressure is so high I don't even know if I can handle this anymore

After a brief moment of uninteresting period of phone abandonment 

Text #2:
I am not saying this because I'm holding a grudge against him. Or against you. This is about taking responsibility. The way he taught me. The way Boss told me to behave. To put all the blames on my back after all these messes. We should take this pressure together

I took the phone and clutched hard. Thinking. Of a decent reply.

Text #3:
Are you suggesting that you want to blurt out to Boss about that?

He said in his text like this

Text #4:
I was just saying that we should share the pressure together. Standing firm on the ground you believe. After all, he taught me of telling the truth. Be professional!

I hate argument

Text #5:
It is up to you. It's your call. But somehow I believe this act of yours is withdrawn from deprivation of your self decency. And again it is your call.

And he did not tell anyone.

Thank God. 


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