
Seriously, when we think that we have someone to be with, or something to control over, we usually forget how hard it was to get those precious gems. Such an occasion was so wasteful, undeniably thrown back ourselves to the couch we used to sit with our loved ones.

It was my fault. Seriously I shouldn’t do like that where love from someone I care is hard to touch let alone to be grasped. Gaining confidence is tiring and eventually we forget that it is the confidence that set us straight, it is the confidence that diminished the color of uncertainty, it is the confidence from someone we care that drives us back to the spot we used to hang on to.



I think I need to gain your confidence back again, like the day you used to kiss me goodnight…


Anonymous said… this a work of fiction or is it a 'real' story? And I must say that I enjoy reading your entries. :)
Zubaidah Arshad said…
mz ayam, few of those are the fictional which came out of nowhere. And i must say that even though they are fictions, i am inspired by the things that revolve around me.

Few of them are real too. But has been laced with a lil bit made-up scenes to spice everything up.

thanks for coming. keep on reading those entries~
ytxis said…
And i think you must be in love-again :)
Zubaidah Arshad said…
Sixty, apparently yes but it will disappear in no time soon. He's leaving. And it needs a whole bunch of effort to let him go.
ytxis said…
Then let him go.And fall in love again and when you look back at all these in couple of years time and you would say "he was just another guy".Kan?
Zubaidah Arshad said…
Yeah.. he already went away. All those memories I saved these past few years just perished. I guess I need a brand new start in my life. thanks sixty. Your comment is worth making my day
kak zue, can we be a lesbian partner..


(hiks...) ... love your writings kak zue...
Zubaidah Arshad said…
I have one myself kuzz. Wanna give a shot? Hahahhaha

*i kid u


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